Everyone knows that now it is difficult to get into a public sauna during the covid period, because keeping a distance is important. But you can put your own MORZH sauna anywhere and enjoy hot procedures without worrying about infections! Another good news - the tent sauna also significantly reduce your costs, because it is much cheaper to purchase a ready-made one than to spend time and resources searching for and buying construction materials and taking into account other nuances.
Nice guys Canada have been owning a sauna tent and a wood burning stove from our store for almost a year now and share their positive impressions. Even in the most severe frosts, the tent does not let them down and provides heat!
"Especially in the bitter cold of lockdown it was amazing to have piping hot somatic experience within our little bubble," Barndt tells blogTO.
You can not only set up a tent in the backyard, but also take it with you on trips. Complete with a stove, the sauna fits into the trunk of a car without any problem, helping you get through this difficult period of self-isolation in nature with a nice steam!
Source: www.blogto.com