Wood burning heater
The purchase of a personal sauna is not a fashion statement, but some kind of striving for a healthy lifestyle, and for this reason there are more and more people wishing to acquire a wood burning heater. It is a personal source of health and longevity.
Wood burning heater for your sauna
There are several types of wood burning heaters, but we will take a closer look at the sauna wood stoves, its advantages and distinctive features.
There are many lovers of a wood burning heater. They are ready to make endless arguments in favor of this particular type of heaters. An obvious argument is that nothing can compare with the crackling of birch logs in the firebox, their extraordinary aroma, the magic of a true flame. Such wood burning heaters are mainly chosen by those who appreciate traditions, a bright healthful aura, the ritual of steaming itself.
There are more practical reasons for choosing a wood burning heater. If the sauna is located in an area where there is no centralized gas supply, then the only way is a wood or electric stove. Electricity may be expensive. You can purchase firewood for less.
There is one more important point. Wood-burning heaters have very high efficiency. The most common wood burning heater achieves a very high temperature, keeps the heat for a long period of time.

For 100% effect, you need to properly heat the stove. Birch is one of the most popular fuel options, but other types of wood are also suitable. Do not use conifers, as their resinous components create a lot of soot.
Heat output for some wood:
Ash - 87%
Oak - 70-75%
Birch - 68%
Linden - 55%
Alder - 46%
Why a wood burning heater to choose?
- Using everywhere - it does not depend on electricity or gas;
- Wood, sawdust are inexpensive fuels and are easy to purchase;
- Ease of use and design;
- If you choose the right types of wood, the heat is beneficial for health - it relaxes and strengthens the body.
Think about where exactly to place the stove. It is necessary to consider not only your needs, but also your safety. If it is a camping wood burning heater for tent, choose a flat surface to avoid tipping over.
In stationary saunas, the stove is usually installed in steam room or dressing room. And the fence is necessary.

Wood stove myths
Myth 1. Wood burning heaters are outdated.
This is not true. Wood stoves have a lot of advantages. They are very economical and their heat quickly warms up and dries the tent. Such ovens will never become outmoded.
Myth 2. Wood stoves take up too much space and are difficult to install.
The size depends on their operating mode. The camping heater takes up much less space. In addition, a full-fledged device includes a firebox and a hob. While the wood is burning, the dinner is cooked. This is not a loss of area at all.
Myth 3. Stoves require constant control.
If you strictly follow simple, time-tested safety rules, the fire is unlikely. Choose a quality device with a built-in spark arrestor.
Myth 4. Wood stoves are expensive.
The cost of a wood burning heater depends on many factors. If you are planning to purchase a solid multifunctional device, the costs will be significant. However, firewood is not more expensive than the kilowatts of electricity spent on heating in the cold season. If you heat the stove with proven wood - alder or at least birch logs, then the stove will not be troublesome.
5 signs of a good wood heater
High and controlled heating capacity. The sauna is used all year round. People do not want to wait for the heat every time. Good wood burning heater must heat up quickly to high temperatures. After reaching the required temperature, it should not overheat the room.
- The ability to create steam. Choose the stove that has a built-in steam generator or a surface for placing stones.
- Quality materials. The sauna is always hot, there is a lot of water. The stove must be resistant to humidity and high temperatures for long-term operation.

In our catalog, there are only quality wood stoves. Go to the heaters section to see our range. It will be hot!