Portable Heater For Camping
It sounds surprising, but the cold season successfully competes with the hot summer. A lot of people go to nature even in winter, when the temperature is extremely low. The beauty of the snow-covered landscapes is unique, winter fishing is very popular among real fishing enthusiasts. After such activities, you feel especially full of energy and ready for new achievements. However, tourists and fishermen need a portable heater or stove for their tent. They will also come in handy in the summer, if people suddenly get colder or be caught in bad weather. You will learn in this article how to properly and safely heat your tent and what to use for this.
Cooking and heating appliances are not always the same device. Camping food is usually prepared outside or in the vestibule of the tent, under an awning. The heating device operates inside the room where people live and sleep. Therefore, the camping heater must be extremely safe so that the carbon monoxide formation is less. The choice of the fuel type is also important: it is best if the device is simple to turn off. Also, no flammable substances should be emitted, and the fuel must be environmentally friendly.
Another significant point is the small space of the room and heat loss. There is a possibility of a lack of oxygen in the air. Heating a tent is very different from heating big buildings. Tents for 1-4 people are critical in this regard: for 2-4 people, less than 1 m3 can be on a person. In tents for 1 person and for large group, most often 2 m3 on a person. You cannot completely close the tent: in the morning from their own exhaled carbon dioxide, people will wake up broken, exhausted and incapable of continuing to move.
A special case is the heating of the tent for fishing in winter. The heater should not interfere with the fisherman, it is also necessary that the holes do not freeze. Therefore, it is important to choose the right camping heater. It is also important to heat the tent even in extreme situations. In such circumstances, ease and speed of operation and the rate of heat release are of particular importance.
Are you going to spend the night in a tent in the forest or in the mountains? Love winter fishing? Then you need warm clothes and a sleeping bag that will keep you warm. And the best thing is to get a suitable tent heater. With its help, you will create comfortable conditions for a long overnight stay in the tent space. The tent is usually made of special materials impregnated with special means. Each tent behaves differently when heated. Now there are many portable heaters on the market, so there will be no problems with their purchase.

A tent heater must meet the following criteria:
- Safety comes first.
- Compactness. This is a necessary requirement if all the luggage is carried in a backpack and hands.
- Efficiency. The heater must be powerful enough to fulfill its purpose.
- Profitability. Low fuel consumption is desirable.
- Multifunctionality. It will be ideal if there is an opportunity to warm up and prepare food. Although often more than one device is used for this.
- Ease of operation. Everyone understands that using the device should not require any special knowledge and skills. Fast and easy use is important.
Household heaters must not be installed in a tent - it is dangerous. Their use is allowed only as a last resort when there are no other possibilities.
The main types of heaters
Kerosene heaters
The modern market can please with a large selection of heating devices, including those that run on kerosene. All of them differ in configuration, functions and design. But the basis of the devices is the same. Some appliances require an electrical connection. These heaters are equipped with a security system, automatic switching on and off the device and additional fans. A constant temperature can be maintained. Non-powered heaters can be used even far from civilization. But they are considered less secure. The principle of operation of such devices is as follows: a special container is filled with kerosene, which impregnates the wick. Then you need to choose the length of the wick and set it on fire. You should also adjust the supply of kerosene. During the operation, kerosene burns out, as a result of which the heater body heats up and heats the room. As the fuel flow rate increases, more heat will be generated. During the operation of the device and during the combustion of kerosene, carbon monoxide is not emitted, which makes it possible to use the kerosene heater in a closed room. You can smell it only when you turn on and off the heater. This device is autonomous, distinguished by its durability. The design of the heater makes it possible to cook food, which is very convenient during outdoor recreation. Among the disadvantages is the smell of fuel when it is turned on and off. There are also relatively high prices for fuel. Also an open fire, which may not be entirely safe.
We have compiled a list of models of kerosene heaters that may be of interest to you.
Dyna-Glo WK24WH 23,800 BTU Indoor Kerosene Convection Heater
We like: ideal for emergency use or daily use, no electricity needed. Easy-to-use one-touch auto power on and off. Perfect for use in your tent, home, basement, garage, or cottage. Burns with 99.9% efficiency, affordable price.
Dyna-Glo RMC-55R7B 10,000 BTU Indoor Kerosene Radiant Heater
We like: 13 hours on one full gallon-tank of fuel. Built-in safety switch shuts power off if unit is knocked over versatile. Ideal for emergency use or daily use, no electricity needed. Approximate price $135.00 - $163.99.
KeroHeat Radiant Kerosene Heater, 10000 BTU, HeatMate
This device will come in handy during cold winter months with low temperatures. The small compact design allows you to set it up without requiring much space. Adjustable heating settings, wick installed. Push-button start, up to 14 hours of heat per gallon of kerosene.
Gas heaters
Gas tent heater can be an indispensable tool for camping trips. Unfortunately, the weather is changeable and it is not always possible to predict it accurately. Therefore, with such a device, you will be sure that your vacation will be the best possible. Manufacturers offer a huge number of devices that differ not only in their cost, but also in power, functionality, and even in shape. They are highly efficient. Some can work only as a heater, others can be used even for cooking food.
All gas heaters differ from each other not only in the principle of operation, but also in design. The only thing that unites them is the source of energy. Most often, it is a small gas canister. It is mounted inside the device and connected with a special hose. All gas heaters consist of the following elements: fan (this structural detail helps to distribute the generated heat evenly throughout the tent), gas-burner (acts as a heat source), power regulator (to easily and quickly change the heating temperature), reflector (for heat direction to achieve more comfort), heat emitter (structural element that accumulates thermal energy and transfers it to a tent or any room), lattices (used to protect the heating element from contact with other objects).
The advantages of such heaters are: ease of maintenance, economy, easy to install and connect, the ability to work at full power up to 12 hours, compactness, light weight, convenience in design. But there are also downsides that can cloud a pleasant user experience. Unfortunately, there are often reviews about malfunctions during severe frosts. Therefore, it is possible that the cylinder will need additional heat sources in subzero temperatures. Also you need to take several replaceable cylinders with you for long hiking. And this factor increases the weight of your load, which is not always appropriate.
Models that may interest you:
Mr Heater Big Buddy Portable Propane Gas Heater, 4000 to 18000 BTU
We like: convenience for heating your camper, picnic area, garage, etc. Accidental tip-over shut off for added safety, safe for indoor use, the integrated fan. The single control start knob allows you to quickly and easily get things warmed up.
Martin Portable Gas Catalytic Heater
We like: foldable legs, convenience, lightness and portability for outdoor travel, advanced catalytic technology, 7 hours on 1 lb propane cylinder, noiselessness. Ideal for camping with families and kids.
Mr. Heater, MH30T Double Tank Top Outdoor Propane Heater
We like: convenient heat for camping and hunting trips, sporting events, quiet operation, sturdy construction, efficient radiant heating, metal. Affordable price.
Electric heaters
Electric heaters are rarely designed to heat a large tent. Usually, it is a personal device to warm hands and feet. For a tourist, electric models that can work on a battery or accumulator are the most convenient. Devices that allow to cook food are not popular with tourists, as they require an inordinate amount of energy, which is difficult to obtain.
We give you a list of electric heaters that you will be interested in taking a look at:
Opolar Electric Ceramic Camping Heater
We like: durable, heats up quickly and generates a lot of heat. Low noise level - it will not interfere with your rest. You can adjust the work intensity according to your comfort. Automatic system against overheating.
Honeywell 360 Degree Electric Tent Heater
This portable heater is ideal for small spaces. It does not require a lot of electricity to operate, so it is more energy efficient and the best option to save energy. Equipped with an adjustable thermostat, as well as two heating modes, protection against overheating and tipping over, a convenient carrying handle. Economical, portable, affordable price.
Kampa Diddy Camping Heater
Affordable price, high power. There is an overheating protection system, a fan, two heating modes. Fall protection.
Dry fuel as a heating method
Urotropine is the main substance of dry fuel. Now, for ease of use, manufacturers mix the substance with a small amount of paraffin and press it into cylindrical tablets. In this form, the product reaches the buyer. There can be also dry fuel based on other chemicals - metaldehyde and calcium acetate solvate. The product is easy to use, easy to ignite, it has a small size. It is compact and appreciated by hikers. Takes up little space in a backpack and is easy to carry. With a small volume, this is a rather powerful source of thermal energy. The use of dry fuel in a tent requires compliance with additional safety rules. Of course, this is a simple heating method, because dry fuel is sold in any store and it is a good energy source. Its use will allow you to decently warm up the heated space. Usually dry fuel is burned in a tin can or in a homemade burner.
Disadvantages include the cost of dry fuel, smell, and the inability to regulate the strength of the flame. The amount of heat generated is constantly the same. The tablet will not have enough power to cook soup or porridge.
The product market is represented by brands of various manufacturers. The buyer is offered a wide variety of dry fuels, each of which has distinctive features. We generally do not recommend dry fuel for use in tents and warn that it can be unsafe. We just give an example of a budget option for a heat source.
Esbit Dry fuel
Esbit's dry fuel is compact and can be placed in a small backpack or pocket. Fuel has a long life if stored properly. Contains 20 x 4g tablets; each tablet burns approximately 5 minutes and up to 1300°F. Works at subzero temperatures; can be lit with a match or lighter. Great for planning emergency preparedness. There can be also 5g tablets (burn for about 7 minutes)
UST Fuel Cubes
Each cube can burn approximately 18 minutes. There is enough energy to Boil one cup of water in just over 4 minutes. UST also makes foldable stoves that are sold separately. Lightweight, portable. Everything the camper needs.
FireDragon Solid Waterproof Fuel
Dry fuel at an affordable price. Lightweight, environmentally friendly and waterproof solid fuel. Ideal for outdoor enthusiasts. Suitable for lighting fires, boiling water in all weather conditions. Approximately 8 minutes burn time.
Wood heaters
Special wood-burning stoves are very popular with winter tents and mobile tent saunas. The crackle of burning wood, pleasant warmth and light. The wood stove has its own charm. After all, It is pleasant to rest by such a stove, relax, escape from the daily hustle and bustle.
Usually these are classic fireboxes that have a traditional design. They are suitable for outdoor recreation, where there is no gas or electricity. This option is often chosen by those for whom, in addition to maintaining the temperature, the atmosphere itself is important with crackling wood and a slight smell of smoke. It is the right choice if there is an opportunity to buy firewood at a good price or find it in the forest. The disadvantages of this type of heaters include: the time spent on kindling, the need to periodically clean it from soot, the impossibility of working on wet wood. It is also sometimes necessary to throw in new logs sometimes.
A wood-burning stove is always beautiful. It creates radiant heat that is comfortable for people. This device allows you to quickly warm and dry the space in cold and rainy seasons.
Choose a wood burning stove wisely. It should be portable and handy enough. And if you need this heater for your tent, then the tent itself must be specially designed in order to be able to put a wood heater.
You might be interested in the models we are considering in this list:
Intent Mini wood stove
This stove is suitable for both tent heating and a mobile sauna. It cannot be called fully portable - the stove weighs 15 kg, so it will be better if it is transported in the trunk of a car. Convenient carrying handles, stylish steel design, sliding convectors - this stove has everything you need. You can control the temperature yourself by placing firewood, and also use the stove surface for cooking. If you describe this device in two words, it is style and simplicity.
Tourist wood stove
This stove is not suitable for a sauna, but will keep a comfortable warm temperature in a small tent. The 6.7 kg weight will not be a burden if you are traveling by car. Power is about 3 kW, compact chimney, optimal design. Tourist stove will be the perfect companion for your winter hike and will keep you warm. Also, you can cook on it.
Solo stove
Solo stove store offers simple but quality equipment to use. If you're looking for a portable option, check them out. A great item to go hiking and not burden yourself with heavy equipment. Your hands and feet will not freeze. The store has a variety of models - from the large ones that give a lot of warmth to the lightest! And stylish steel design is pleasing to the eye.
We can say that you can freeze in a few minutes on a hike, so a portable heater is an irreplaceable thing. You should take care of such a thing in advance and protect yourself from the cold. Means for heating the tent in cold weather are very diverse and are presented in a large assortment on the shelves of specialized stores.